Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day of Surgery and the Days that Preceeded

I know it's been awhile since I last wrote; actually, my last posting (post surgery update) was transcribed by my friend Jean (thanks Jeano). I didn't have the energy or cognitive ability to put words together to make a sentence. And, I don't know that I'll do much better now, but I'll give it a shot.

My dad, sister (Toni), daughter (Meoka), and Mark (ex-husband), joined me to the hospital. The night before, my friends, Tina, Linda and Donna came over and brought some yummy foods that my family could enjoy while they here. My fabulous roommate, Krisitin, made some scrumptious BBQ pork and cole slaw. Overall, I was pretty relaxed on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. I felt the love of my family, friends, and comments written on the blog; my heart was full.
This was sure a far cry from my overwhelming fear that I experienced on Sunday evening. If there is such things as demons, I felt them that night. I wasn't afraid of dying, I wanted too. I knew that I could not go into surgery with this type of mentality, yet I was unable to shake it off. I believe that it was all the prayers that friends have said for me and their faith that carried me through. I don't know what happened to my faith or connection to God - it was temporaily gone. The morning of my surgery, I spoke with Debbie, who I liken as my spiritual mentor, and she said a prayer with me. I repeated that prayer many times that morning which brought me comfort before surgery.

My dear friends, Vicki, Theresa, and Riece were there and gave me hugs before I went into surgery. We cried and laughed together. These friends and my dear friends, Becca, Debbie Sharp, and Linda Alva came I believe while I was in surgery. When I was taken to my room following recovery (about 2.5 hours later) I remember my sister coming into my room saying, "your 6 sisters are here." How did that happen? I had one sister going into surgery and 6 coming out. I thought it was great. She wanted to make sure that everyone got to see me. I had a deluxe private room. Wow! I don't remember much else of that visit - other than I got lots of kisses and held hands with those that love me.

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