Sunday, June 7, 2009

Radiation to begin June 22, 2009

Hi gang,

I havn't yet begun into the upswing portion following chemo, that is still about four - five days away. The last three days, I have felt cruddy - my digestive track (mouth, esophogus and stomach) has been very upset ( i ran out of L Glutamine) and I have slept (Wed, Thurs, Fri & Sat) a lot throughout the day. My fingers are puffy and itchy. My fingers appear to have heat bumps on them. I'm sleeping through the night with the exception of getting up to use the restroom. It is a GOOD feeling to know that this is the last effects that I will experience from chemo.

I am optimistic and my spirits are good. I'm feeling confident that radition won't get the best of me by causing great fatigue. My plan is to still try to do a little walking each day and maybe I can resume my workout at Curves.

I am enrolled for 2 summer courses: Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis, and Herbal Making. In mid- August when radiation is complete, I hope to visit my dad in Texas. Iam also eager to hike, bike, kayak and go camping. I plan to spend sometime working at Curves.


  1. Hi Deb,

    Saw our sponsor today at the Palm Springs - Pow Wow. She lead a meeting where Clancy spoke on Singleness of Purpose.

    I continue to follow your recovery.

    Much love and good wishes,


  2. Hi Deb, I too, am following your recovery. I also got the heat bumps on my fingers. Radiation was a breeze for me after the exhaustion of the chemo. I am so proud of you for getting through it. The radiation burn was worse than I thought it would be, but soft tshirts worked wonders. Also, they don't tell you about the sharpies. Of course, that is the least of it, right? Hang in there, I look forward to hearing of the day you hit remission!
