Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Heading into WK 2 of radiation

Hello my lovely family and friends,

Thank you for your continous support and prayers. Your prayer is what sustained and continues to sustain me. Even for the period of time that I found it difficult to pray during the first several months of chemo. Your prayers and my frequent trips to the cabin and being out in nature made it possible for me to find my way back to the Great Spirit.

I am in my 2nd week of radiation and so far no major side effects. My energy has been pretty good, although I find myself needing to take a daily nap or two. The area that is being treated has not turned red yet, but I suspect it will happen in the coming weeks. I've noticed that following treatment I experience a headache, phlem in my throat, and fatigue. My friends, Donna, Michelle, and Kristin have been taking me to daily radiation appts. Next week, now that Tina and Linda have returned to town, each (of the 5) will take me one day/week. I realize how loved I am and it is the love of family and friends that is healing me - physically, emotionally and spriitually.

Well, I must get ready to go to radiation this morning, so until next time. I hope all of you have a safe and fun 4th of July. I won't be going to the cabin as I rented it out, but Mark and I will be going to the Olympic Peninsula with some friends.

Oh, and I have some fabulous news! I'm going to be a grandma. Meoka is about 2.5 months pregnant. I am very excited about this.

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