Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Where has all the time gone? I don't know if anyone is still out there reading my blog since my last writing (Aug 25th).

Following my infection from radiation (axillary region), then I got a UTI, then some type of virus. All in all it was about 6 weeks and my energy was zapped. Needless to say, these ailments emotionally and mentally knocked me down. It's apparant that I have some emotional healing to be done. For the 8.5 months of treatment, my emotions seemed to be mild then they rose to the surface and have been causing me all kind of havoc. Nor do I handle stress as well as I used to.

I'm in my 4th week of school and enjoying it thoroughly; I am taking two classes and that is perfect for me.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, Debbie, I am still following your blog. Thank you for the update! I was happy to hear that you are back at school and that your cells are giggling. I think I understand that! You do go through times that seem harsh and times that you know that you have made it. I guess it's part of the progress. Have a good November!
